Posted a new script! It's seven pages, I was hoping to keep it down to five, but there was just too much going on, the last couple pages still feel a little cluttered. I might go back and revise them later (and I'll definitely be going back and revising the dialogue). Also I can't decide if I love the title or hate it. It's set in the late 17th/early 18th century, on a merchant vessel at sea. It plays on the whole "women on board are bad luck" superstition. Plus, fish-people!
While I'm here talking, I thought I'd mention the Amazing Spider-Man 2 trailer, which I am feeling very positive about. I have to say, when I'd heard about all the different characters they were adding, I was very nervous. act is, I don't think Rhino's going to have too much screen time. I figure he'll have at most two fights with Spidey, one without the Rhino-mech, one with, and then probably he'll be approached in prison by one of the Osbornes, maybe even in a post-credits scene, to join the Sinister Six. I figure the main conflit of the film will be Electro, and I doubt Spider-Man will even meet Green Goblin, let alone fight him, in this movie. It's all just seeds for the larger Spider-Man movie-verse.
Just my thoughts, but if you haven't figured it out by now, I tr to be as optimistic about these sorts of things as possible. I feel a similar way about X-Men: DoFP. When they kept announcing more and more actors, especially from the old series, I was more and more concerned. But I figure they'll mostly just be brief cameos in the beginning, before Wolverine goes back in time. We'll see.
Anyway that's all for now. I have some thoughts on Wonder Woman in the new MoS movie, but I'll save that for later. Here's a teaser: whatever your opinion on the matter, I probably disagree with you.
Later on!
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