So it looks like this might become a regular thing, my using my blog to rant about random things that I feel like ranting about. Which I guess is what most people use their blog for.
Anyway, so I read these rumors floating around this week regarding Carol Danvers in Avengers 2, and I wanted to throw my 2 cents in (I know you're reading this, Joss Whedon, don't pretend you're not). I think it's a mistake, for two reasons.
First of all, you can't just throw a character like that into the mix without explanation. People were familiar with almost all the characters in Avengers from previous movies, If you suddenly have some flying, super-strong woman appear without any back story or anything, people are going to wonder where she came from, why she wasn't there to help out with the Chitauri, etc. And trying to cram another character's origin story into an Avengers movie just seems messy to me.
I think one the things that has been really beneficial to the Avengers movie franchise, that's made it stronger than, say, some of the recent X-Men movies (Wolverine, I'm looking at you), is that they resisted the urge to cram as many recognizable faces into the movie regardless of how it might effect the story.
The other reason I think they should leave her out is that with all the back story, with the Kree, Mar-Vell, etc, I think this character not could support a solo movie, but really deserves one. Given proper treatment, they could show Carol getting her powers and taking on the mantle of Captain Marvel without it even really feeling like an origin movie. And it would certainly do the character and the mythology more justice.
I could also mention that, while I'm not especially familiar with Emily Blunt (I was broke and haven't seen Looper yet, plan on seeing it this weekend), I have seen enough of Luther to say that I'm pretty sure casting Ruth Wilson in the role would be a mistake.
There is, of course, the possibility that she'll show up in some other capacity, pre-Ms. Marvel. I'm just hoping they don't turn her into another SHIELD agent. Being an Air Force pilot is an integral part of her character.
Anyway, those are my thoughts on the matter. I'm still writing, I just finished the rough draft on a 5-issue mini series (I'm not going to post rough drafts here, no one wants to see that). I'll be spending the next few days working on a few things that are still in the idea stage, just doing some outlines, character stuff, things like that, before I jump into my next thing, which is a graphic novel rough draft that I need to cut down to size. It ended up at about 130-ish pages and I'd like to at least get it down under 100. If I can get it to 80 pages that would be ideal, but we'll see.
I might post a script that I currently have an artist drawing, but I want to make sure it's cool with him first.
That's all I got.
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