Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Captain America: Civil War (no, I haven't seen it yet)

Hey, guess what? Civil War is almost out! I'm hella psyched for this movie! Winter Soldier remains my favorite of the Marvel movies, and I'm really hoping this one will exceed that. I can't wait to see Black Panther, and Cap and Bucky in action side-by-side. I can't wait to see Crossbones in action. I rewatched the first Cap the other night, and it as good as I remembered (maybe even better) and I plan to watch Winter Soldier again tonight.

I just wanted to address something here very quickly, because I have, in the past, been very down on the idea of Spider-Man in the MCU, and now that it's happening, I wanted to say a couple things on it.

First off, I want to make something clear. It has never been my position that Marvel couldn't make a good Spider-Man. It's only ever been my position that Marvel didn't need Spider-Man, and I stand by that. There are any number of young super heroes out there, many designed specifically to replicate the Spider-Man formula, that Marvel could tap if they want that archetype in their movies (Ms. Marvel comes immediately to mind, for one).

I still think the Sony deal wasn't great for Marvel. I think they gave more than they got in that agreement. I won't change my mind on that.


It's here. It's done. Spider-Man's in the movie, and his own movie is on the way.

Look, I will always root for a movie to be good. Always. I prefer a good movie to a bad one. Now that Spider-Man is officially a part of the MCU, I hope they do it right. I hope they make it work. And from what I've been hearing from early reviews, they've done just that. (I don't tend to listen to early reviews, to be honest, so I'll see for myself on Friday.) Even if his solo movie is terrible, the MCU can survive some bad movies if he's done right when he shows up in the other movies.

So yeah, I still don't think Marvel should have made the deal. But that's irrelevant now. So I'm going to root for Spidey to be good, and when he is I'm going to be happy about it.

(I just hope they don't pull some Age of Ultron BS and kill Zemo offscreen like they did with Strucker. WTF was that about?)