So it’s a new year. Or at least it was four days ago. Some
people use this as a time to reflect on the recent past and consider the near
future. Some people think that’s dumb. As a writer/creative/whatever, I find
opportunities for reflection and consideration, artificial or not, to be
useful. So I thought I’d put some thoughts down, both on the past year and the
one to come.
Outside of my own life, 2014 was kind of a rough one. At
least from the news, the running theme seemed to be challenges to the
established power structure, and violent response from that power structure.
Whether it was GamerGate threatening women with rape and violence for daring to
suggest they’d like to see women in video games who aren’t being raped or killed,
or police bringing riot gear and tear gas to a protest of police brutality,
there was definitely a theme there.
And, look, I mostly talk about comics here, so I don’t want
to go too far down this path, and really so many other people have spoken more
eloquently and with greater authority. So I’ll just say to those fighting the
good fight (and, trust me, when you’re threatening to rape people or defending
a police officer gunning down an unarmed man, you aren’t fighting the good
fight): Keep at it. As a white guy, I can tweet my support, I can donate to
causes, I can even show up at protests. I can support media that portrays women
and people of color and other minorities in a positive light. Hell, I can even
create that sort of media (or at least I can try). But at the end of the day,
it’s gonna be you guys, fighting, sometimes an inch at a time. It may not seem
like you’re gaining much ground now, but when you look back in a few years,
(hopefully) you'll be able to say it was worth it.
To move on to lighter topics, in my personal life, it was
actually a pretty great year. Anonymous Nancy issue 2 was finished, with the
help of a Kickstarter. (Thanks again to all who backed and/or shared the link!)
It’s even up on
comiXology right now, along with issue 1. (Issue 3 is moving
along quite nicely.) I’m mostly finished with a collection of three short
horror comics. And I was able to write a brand-new short story every day! I’m
almost up to
365 stories, which is kind of a huge deal for me. When I started
that project, I was sincerely concerned that I would crap out after a few days.
I had tables at several conventions this past year,
including Nittany Con, Sci-Fi Valley Con and WV Pop Con. Got to meet some cool
people and had a really great time. Also slowing getting the hang of the whole “trying
to get people to give a crap about things I write” thing.
More personally, and more importantly, I became the father
of an amazing little girl. Five (and a half) months old now, and every day she’s
challenged me, and every day is something special because she’s there when I
wake up.
So that was my year. And for the coming year? Well, of
course there’s writing. Always writing. Once I’ve finished up with all 365
stories, I’m likely going to put an end to that project. It was great fun, a
huge challenge, and worth every story. The whole point was to get me writing
every day. The problem is that now it’s taking up time that could be spent
writing other, larger projects. So I’ll still be writing every day, certainly,
but going forward it will be for larger projects; novels, full-length short
stories, etc.
That’s one of my big goals for the new year, to write a
novel, in full. I have a few novels that are close to being ready, so I’ll have
to decide which one to write first. But it’s one foot in front of the other
time. Time to get marching.
As far as comics go, there’s Nancy issue 3, hopefully I can
have that ready to go by convention season, as well as this horror anthology,
which I may end up running a small kickstarter for. I’d like to put together at
least one more, but ideally two more anthologies. Similar format, three short,
eight-ish page stories, but in different genres. Probably sci-fi next, and then
maybe western or crime before coming back to horror again.
And of course, there’s the big project,
Campaigners. This is
going to be a pretty sizable Kickstarter, which I plan to run during the
summer. If you’re not following the tumblr, it’s a story set in the year 2076,
when presidential elections are decided by hand-to-hand fights, often to the
death, and a young woman turning 18 on election day raises the ire of the
entire country by declaring she plans not to vote. So check it out, share it,
talk it up!
And of course, there’s more conventions to attend! People to
meet, comics to sell! Friends to make!
Anyway, that’s my year-in-review, and my year-to-come. Best
to all of you!