Tuesday, January 28, 2014

365 stories day 2

Just a quick update, the second story is now up. It's going up a little later today. I plan to try and write these first thing every morning, but some of them might take a little longer, and sometimes I might have something that needs taken care of before I can, and other things might come up, so it might not always get up until the afternoon or even the evening.

This one is really for a little bit older audience, late-twenties to early-thirties. Just a warning. And the ending is pretty saccharine, so another warning there. It's ground that's been covered before, and much better, but it's the story that came out of me this morning, and I'm fairly happy with it.

Thanks, hope you enjoy it!

Monday, January 27, 2014

365 Stories begins

I won't be doing this with every story, but I figured since this is the first one I'll post some thoughts about it and the project in general.

The story is called A Windy Night, it can be found here. I thought about trying to do something about beginnings, starting a long journey, something like that, but it was really windy here last night, and it kept waking me up, so I decided to start with that instead.

A lot of the time, when I'm writing like this, I'll start out with just a few opening lines, as in this instance, and just go from there. Sometimes it'll take only a few sentences for me to figure out the entire story, other times I'll just keep going until I either come up with something or realize the story is going nowhere. This time I just kept writing, not even sure what genre I was writing, for a good bit of the story.

Anyway, this is a good indication of what to expect with these stories. It's, I would say, a mediocre story, not terrible, but not incredible either. I think, over the course of the year, there will be a small handful of really good stories, a larger handful of really bad stories, and then a whole lot of "meh". Still, at least I'm writing, right?

Oh, in case anyone is wondering, this story falls into the "urban fantasy" genre.

That's all. Like I said, I won't be writing posts on every story, but if there's one I feel like talking about, I will. And I'll be archiving the stories here, so I'll post when that happens, and then probably just every moth or something I'll post an update, just a sort of "this is how everything's going" kind of post.

Okay, go check out the story, hope you like it, or don't hate it at least.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

New project (of sorts) 365 stories!

Tomorrow is my birthday, and I've decided to mark the occasion by starting a new writing project. For the next year I will be writing and posting a new piece of flash fiction every day. I'll be calling it 365 stories, because I'm not good at naming things. I'll also be tagging them #365stories.

I'll be posting the stories over on my tumblr page, brendanhykes.tumblr.com, and I'll be archiving them here on my blog, I haven't decided how often. Weekly? Monthly? We'll see. Probably weekly.

The point of the project is simply to get me writing something new every day. There's no set length or anything like that, they could be as short as a few paragraphs or as long as a few pages. People who are better than me at writing every day will think "A few paragraphs a day? That's nothing!" and people who are very bad at writing every day might be having sympathetic panic attacks.

I don't know if anything further will come from any of these. I'm sure I'll like some of the stories enough to expand on them, turn them into longer stories, or comics, or other things. I don't intend to stick to any specific genre or style. The point is just to get the writing done, whatever it happens to be. I'll still be doing the normal writing every day as well, depending on what I'm working on.

The problem that I'm having is that if I have a specific script that I'm working on, I'll work on that steadily, every day, until it's done. If I don't have a specific project, I find it much harder to get any writing done. I'm hoping this will alleviate that problem.

Full disclosure, I'm expecting some major life events to occur over the next 365 days, so I have made some preparations to make this process a bit easier. For one I have a list of about 400 prompts that I've been compiling over the past few weeks, just in case I have a hard time getting moving on a story. For two, I do have about five stories sitting in a folder, just as back-up in case something happens and it's absolutely impossible for me to get a story down. By that I mean things like a serious injury or something like that. And if I happen to write two stories in a day, I won't have a problem adding the second to the back-up folder. So yeah, I'm cheating. A little.

Still, 365 stories. Every day.

In other news, I'll be at Nittanycon in State College on Mar 30. You can follow them on twitter @nittanycon for any info. I'm also tentatively attending Cleveland Pop Culture Expo, May 16-18. There are a few others I'm thinking about, but haven't made any plans yet, I'll post here when I do.

Also, Anonymous Nancy is still available on comiXology! Go check it out if you haven't, it's only a dollar!

As always, I can be found on twitter @brendanhykes, and tumblr at brendanhykes.tumblr.com

That is all. See you tomorrow, bright and early, for the first edition of #365stories!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Anonymous Nancy now available!

Alright everyone, here it is!


That's the link to purchase Anonymous Nancy through comiXology Submit. It's only a dollar! We're plugging way on the second issue as we speak.

Anyway, there it is! Go buy it! Be prepared for me to annoyingly self-promote at every possible opportunity!

That's all, enjoy.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Anonymous Nancy #1 on comiXology Submit

It's official! Anonymous Nancy #1 will be available on comiXology this Wednesday, Jan 8. It should be available between 9 and 10 am. I'll be posting the link here once I've made sure it's active. I'll be out of town this week (hopefully) so I might not be able to post it exactly when it becomes active, but I should be able to get it up at somepoint in the morning/early afternoon.

Of course I say hopefully because we've had two flights cancelled so far, we should have flown out this morning, but it looks like we won't be out until tomorrow afternoon. It's frustrating, but it happens. Weather and all that.

Anyway, keep your eyes posted, I'll be putting up the link on Wednesday.